Thursday, December 12, 2013


Well, this is it. The mind-blowing season finale.

Sally says her husband Daniel unleashed a snake into their garden. She knew his ass was gay back in college when they met. Saying he was pretty and stupid. That's usually what men say about women.

Sally to Daniel, "I can't wait for you to meet your maker." On her way to snapping. Right before plunging that letter opener into his back. He thought he was going to tell the Sally Langston story, but the devil came in.

Cyrus and all of those flashbacks. I've never seen him so vulnerable, throwing up and everything. He got back to his old self quick, though. Calling in the new cleaners, Quinn and Charlie. I'm glad they cleaned up Sally's face, walking around like a zombie. Cyrus played it off, hugging Sally. But when the doctor tried to look too close at Daniel's body, Sally's ambition burst through her inertia.

Quinn was still at B613 with a tracking chip where her tooth used to be. Ooouch, and she came so close to killing Eli/Rowan. What was up with the toilet cam? Later it looked like she was thinking about killing Charlie. But she just wanted to escape. Going to see Huck.  Huck is no longer her friend so she has no where else to go but back to B613 and Charlie. That's kind of sad. Liv is the only thing keeping Huck from killing her. He is so mad at her for betraying Liv.

Eli was getting a taste of his own medicine down in the basement of the Pentagon. Fitz holding it down. Having a staring match. Fitz had some questions. I just want to know who is above the presidents pay grade? Oh, it's Eli/Rowan.

And here comes Mellie all excited because it looks like her plan is coming together with Daniel dead. I was surprised Cyrus told her the truth. Of course she ran with it. Straight to Sally to rub her face in it. You're a part of our family now. Yeah a big old dysfunctional family.

Mellie's in her element, faking the funk for the public. She's the queen of ambition. She doesn't care whose body she has to step over. Keeping her fantasy alive. Mellie was right about Sally snapping.

Oh, and back to Eli/Rowan and Fitz in the basement. I hollered when Fitz told Eli/Rowan, "I'm screwing her, you know. Every chance I get." Of course Eli/Rowan already knew. He knows everything. He was unmoved, as a matter of fact, he said, "You disappoint me as a suitor for my daughter's hand." Damn, he's hard.

After Eli/Rowan read Fitz some more, calling him all kinds of "boy"s, he told him that Liv was "just a door marked exit". An escape from under Fitz Sr.'s thumb.

I thought Cyrus and James were going to break up, but James is learning fast.  Just because Cyrus "bought that little girl" for him, he's not going to go back to being all lovey dovey. Instead of leaving Cyrus, he negotiated himself a new position as White House press secretary. I'm sure he will have to pay a price for this new job. I thought he might turn up dead, going to that DA guy with the story about Sally killing Daniel. Who is going to believe him?

Jake professed his love for Liv and passionately kissed her good bye (and she kissed him back) only to turn up as the new head of B613 handing Eli/Rowan his walking papers. We all know Eli/Rowan is not going away quietly.  I liked that Stevie Wonder music, though.

Momma Pope/Maya/Marie, turned out like many suspected, to be a serious spy. A real femme fatale. I don't think she ever expected to have a normal family life. She's killed everyone on the plane Liv put her on, and in a bad ass coat (when did she find time to shop?) turns out she's still in DC! Whaatt? It ain't over yet!

Yep, the Devil is all up in this bitch!

See you February 27th.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Warming up a bit while my East Coast Gladiators are already in the heat of it.

I feel a little silly still being all exited about this because of Nelson Mandela dying today. We lost a great man today. A peacekeeper. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in South Africa now.

We've waited two weeks to see what's going to happen now that Liv has found her no longer dead mother.

Huck tortured Quinn. Enjoying it. His own little loved one baby. Damn. "I promise I won't kill you." Quinn is in for it. YOLO. It was looking like she was about to finish up her one life. YOLO you only live once.

I can't believe Liv asked Huck why she needs to run with her mom. She's been in enough danger that when Huck tells you to run, you don't ask questions, you just fucking run. Come on Liv!

Vice President Langston made a deal with the devil. Drop your allegiance to Jesus, girl and go with politics. Neil just asked her to give up her religion, but she took it too damn far.

Undead Momma Pope says she married a monster. Duh. 22 years underground as Omar Dresden. Huck and Jake slammed her ass on that table and snatched out her tracking chip. Ouch. Should have known something when she didn't flinch. Right, she ate her own wrist.

Who's the new sister girl? They talked so fast I didn't get it. I know she slept with Harrison, that was clear from their body language. A brother needs a love interest.

Have breakfast with your mother, Livvie. I thought she might have some fruit loops in that grocery bag. Tell me about yourself, Livvie.
Not much to tell. Oh, just sleeping with the president, fixing scandals and elections. Momma Pope's fantasy was way off.

Battle of the tall skinny white men over a sister! Just saying.

Daniel Douglas - James said, we barely scratched the surface, rub it in Cyrus' face. Baby boy playing the sex card. James knows that Cyrus knows he actually slept with Daniel Douglas, who says, "I am not gay! I am a man." He doesn't know yet that he is a gay man. He doesn't know yet that he's a dead man.

They're going to have to whack Rowan/Eli. It won't be easy, but Huck and Jake have the inside skinny on B613.

Quinn betrayed Liv. Can't do that! My teeth hurt just watching. Aaaaaaahhh! I still have no sympathy for her ass. She wanted to be all up in the spy world. This is the price.

Sally Langston. Uh Oh. Don't forget Fitz is a murderer.

Cyrus. Pimped out your own husband. Used him like a cheap ho. Cyrus is going to have another heart attack, if he doesn't watch himself.

There's no crying in the White House, Cyrus. Mellie had to explain to him how to be the betrayed spouse.

Liv wants the fantasy of Vermont. Girl, you ain't got time for no kids.

Consider it handled. Alright Fitz.

Crying is against the rules in spying Quinn. She's feeling all hurt because Huck was torturing her. Huck is a psychopath after all and so is this guy Charlie. Girlfriend's got a bad track record in choosing men.

Sally nostrils flaired as she looked at those pictures. This episode was   down and dirty. Feelings are crushed but ambition lives. Did Cyrus say Sally didn't see the pix?

Liv sounded 12 years old when she shouted MOM! Then twist again at the very last seconds of the episode. Marie Wallace (Momma Pope). He's not the monster, she is. WHAAAAAAT! After we've set up the hit on Eli/Rowan! Eli said he didn't enjoy killing people, that was a hint.

I've commited a sin. OOOOOOOO NOOOOOO!!! Sally what have you done??????!!!!!

Pardon me while I go take some oxygen.