Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mama Said Knock You Out

This is one jacked up family reunion. The kids, Jerry and Karen are about to be handled by Liv. I don't trust that Jerry. No telling what he's Tweeting.

Poor Mellie and Fitz, don't know how to be around their own kids. Awkward.

Is that how they're going to speak in the big important interview? In monosyllables?

Liv needs to listen to Huck about trying to take down B613. That's a suicide mission. Charlie is getting jealous of Quinn. Charlie, don't even try to kill Huck. There will be signs of a struggle.

What are Quinn and Charlie doing with Demetry in the trunk?

The strategically placed lamp in the Oval Office in front of Liv's baby bump. Hurry and have that baby, girl.

Ooooooo, Mellie and Andrew! All manner of sexual foolishness going on in the White House.

Who can argue with Andrew about glass houses, when Liv tells him to stay away from Mellie?

"Stop digging", Rowan says to Liv. That mf knows everything about her looking into B613. "Don't play this game anymore." He's not going to tell her whose funding B613.

Daughter Karen asks "Why are you still with him?" Talking about Fitz. "Nobody is perfect." Mellie's a cheater, too, now, so she knows no one's perfect.

That's Mama Pope's Demetry Balanko in the trunk.

Charlie and Quinn chatting during Demetry's torture session. Quinn's going to let it slip that Huck kissed her. She can't hold water.

I knew Jerry's ass was tweeting shit. Anti Fitz. I'd like to grab him in the collar. I know he's mad about being sent away, but damn. You're the first kid, there's so many more interesting things to do for fun.

MELLIE! Girl you've got to get some control over your scandalous affairs. The child has seen you. "You were on your knees with Uncle Andrew!", Karen screams. It's going to be hard to come back from that one. Everyone is going to know about this now.

Mama Pope's girl wants immunity. Mama Pope is going to whack her. That's the only way that can end. (Well I was wrong about this one.)

"I am Command. I'm not your bitch." Alright Jake talking to Fitz. Some thangs have changed with their relationship!

Cyrus tried to clock Jake. Who can blame him? Dayum. Had to call security on him. "I'm sorry for your loss." Jake says to Cyrus. Whoa, Jake is ice cold blooded.

James had to go. He was trying to bring down the whole house of cards.

"Olivia, how are you?", says Maya Pope. She's more scary than Rowan. I didn't think that was possible. She told Liv, "You're nothing but the help." "I'm going to stay out of your business just as long as you stay out of mine."

Harrison, don't hit that girl! He should have hit her.

"She's doing it with Uncle Andrew, Dad!"  Uh oh, Karen has spilled the beans. I know they wish they'd left those bad ass kids in boarding school.

Liv quit running with your pregnant self.

Fitz cold cocked Andrew! Isn't that the way with cheaters? They still get jealous of the wife they're cheating on.

Agent Perkins. That's Quinn's official name.

Huck wants to talk to Jake. Let Quinn go. Fuck her!

Ummm Huck....what are you doing with Quinn? You letting her play you like that?

Me and Mrs. Jones playing in the background with Harrison and that girl whose name I don't know.  Harrison got played, too.  She stuck that needle in his neck.

Jake says to Rowan, "Stay out of my business!" Rowan says to Jake "You're here trying to feel less alone in the world. Guess what, YOU'RE ALONE.  We are not equals. YOU ARE A-LONE!" Jake says "Thanks for reminding me when I decide to kill you I need to do it all by myself."

Andrew with a shiner. He's out of here. Like right now!

Fitz asks Mellie, "How long have you been screwing Andrew?" "You ruined our marriage." Is she going to tell him about the rape?  She was about to tell him, before Liv barged in.

Liv to Cyrus, "Please tell me we're not the help." Yep, Maya is right on this one. If it makes you feel better, say your doing it for your country.

Charlie just moved into Quinn's apartment. He didn't ask, he just moved in. Let's see how this works out.

Harrison needs help. That bitch. Stole all of Liv's info.

Jake knows about the theft and he is going to be a hero blocking Maya and Ivan's terrorist attack.

Cyrus playing with his little girl. There was a little black girl in Grey's Anatomy, too. Little black girls are so trendy.

The whole family is now ready to play the game for the interview. This has been a hell of a day for them.  Oh, look there's the little baby. I thought there was a little baby. We don't see the baby ever, is he in baby boarding school?

Rowan tells Liv that B613 is funded by all of the governments' departments. He tells her because "We're family and family sticks together." Whoa, Rowan, is trying to become human.

See you next week.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

We Gotta Get Outta This Place

Will we find out who Jake shot?

Jake shot......James in the back. James was running like you're supposed to do when people start shooting.  David comes to the crime scene the next morning like he wasn't there.

Cyrus is undone, needless to say. Even though he tried to whack him in the past, his James is now actually dead.  Cyrus assistant, Ethan, is undone, too. Slap him Liv.

Flashbacks. Cyrus with a neck beard when he first met James. Cyrus was in the closet, back in the day. Of course he was. He came out in a big way.

Sally.... what a woman. She's in solidarity with Fitz and she's going to postpone her campaign out of respect for James death...yeah right.

Abbie, looks tall and thin in her beautiful coat as she walks beside David.

TV people always have to stay at work and do their job to get through grief. They never go home. SMH.

Jake's ass.... Dayum burying those two reporter girls he killed as he talks to Liv on the phone. What kind of lies will he tell her next. It'll be a minute before she figures out the whole story. She will be super pissed when she does.

Momma Pope is not a terrorist she's a "facilitator". Girlie your going to take the fall.  Fucking around with Momma Pope is fatal. There is no escaping Momma Pope.

Huck find's out Quinn's been in Liv's safe.

Quinn and Charlie find a patsy for the shooting.

OK, Cyrus was cray cray, way back then.  Him and James flirting like teenagers. "I don't indulge very often." "A hot mouth", ewwwww. It's Cyrus.

Uh oh, they're about to sic Mellie on Sally. Uh oh, Mellie knows how to shoot.

Mom Pope talking with some real terrorists. Bang bang, she puts two bullets in his chest. She ain't playing. Dayum Ivan betta show up with a quickness.

Quinn's ass. B613 knows everything about Daniel's death.  Liv found out quick that Jake did the murder. It was Jake's call, he's Command. He does his own wet work. That's what makes him different from Pop Pope. Jake, is more scary than we thought.

"Hello Olivia what do you want?" Liv is looking for a normal dad from a monster dad. Good luck with that. Liv wants a white hat. Good luck with that because everyone is a monster. Yep, Liv these are the people you love.

"183" the number of people Pop Pope is responsible for killing. He showed a moment of humanity here. Being Command means, "you choose who lives or dies, you are the hand of God." He always suffered with each one.

As for Jake, being Command is the "worst punishment in world", so Liv doesn't have to try to punish him.

The point is everyone is worth saving, even the monsters. Well Rowan should know. He know's his monsters.

Aww he took her hand, OK, through being a real Dad. It was tough for him.

Werk it Mellie, she made that deal with the governor and gun lobby people.

"Sally loves guns more than Jesus." Snicker.

Who knew Cyrus was divorced? I guess we'll hear more of that story later.

Uh oh Mellie, girrrrrl, where are your Secret Service people? Boyfriend ripped that dress off so hard, I thought he was going to hurt her!

Aww, Huck I'd rather you kill Quinn than kiss her.

Which monster will Liv drag into the light?

David and Liv are going to try to take down B613, that's going to take a WHOLE LOT of luck.

Damn Jake is a monster with a heart, sitting with poor dying James until the end.

Cyrus is going to win an Emmy.

See you next week!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

No Sun on the Horizon

Let 'er rip! Last 30 seconds better be good

Jake has no family so he was ready for B613. No sun on the horizon. No one to miss you. B613 is his family now. Got it.

The Debate Prep: Damn Sally. Girlfriend has gone totally off the deep end. I don't think this Reverend Dale or anyone can help her.
"Fornicating with whatever slithers by!" Sally is gone all the way cray cray, "Yum yum crispy piggy, yum yum!" Somebody stop her!

Uh oh Liv's got that tape and she's going a little cray cray herself! Laughing at Cyrus about his role in the Daniel Douglass cover up.

Murderer's row. OK, that is kinda funny. Everyone running for president has killed someone.

Liv doesn't want to get dragged back into the dark. "I can't do this again I want to walk into the light and feel the sun on my face." Too late. You know she's not going to leave Fitz twisting in the wind.

Quinn is the new B613 receptionist at "Acme Limited". Jake is selling fake paper and supplies. Snicker.

"When I say fired I'm employing a euphemism." A euphemism for getting whacked. Rome/Pop Pope is crazy laughing, too. WTW.

"I'm drinking the whole bottle you're on your own." Liv says to her fake boyfriend, Jake. Liv is chugging the wine tonight, makes it look so good. Girl you're preggo, you can't let Jake take advantage of you! Sleeping with Jake can't save him.

Poor Rev Dale, he's heard Sally's confession of murder. He's going to need a drink. Now her crazy ass wants to confess to the world. Okaaay.

How will they work this out? What would Olivia Pope do? bracelet. I would wear it.

Cyrus: "Whatever happens remember the best part of me loves you. Kiss Ella goodnight for me." Code for I'm about to do something really diabolical. Like order a hit on Sally. What, Jake said Hell no!

Quinn, is trying to get into Jake's head. Quinn you are not Liv, you don't have it like that.

Cyrus admits to making mistakes, screwing up, coming to Liv for help with Sally. Look, Sally you are not Jesus. But it's hard to argue with Sally's faith.

Uh oh Liv told Fitz about Sally killing Daniel Douglass, and wants Fitz to throw the debate.

Fitz says he's "surrounded by people who have completely lost their minds", well that's the truth.

Sally is chugging that water, confessing murder to the world makes for a very dry mouth.

Liv's people even know who's Publious, and now that Quinn has stolen all of the info that Liv's team had on Daniel Douglass' murder, B613 is on board for the hit on Sally.

Whew, Fitz, got Sally back on point during the debate and saved her dumb ass life.

Buzzing sound in Cyrus' office; bug. How long was that thing buzzing?

Like that pink coat, Liv, looks all Eastery.

Liv explains to Fits that it's "dirty and dark behind the curtain of power." And that there is no clean, there is no Vermont. There should be no more denial now, Fitz. Come on, kissing all up in front of the Oval Office window.

Dayum Jake! We won't know until next week who got shot.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


March 6,  2014 Episode

Pope vs. Pope, and we thought that would be Liv vs. Poppa, but damn it's Momma Pope vs. Liv. Whaaaaaat?

Why are Liv and Fitz fighting like old married people about Jake?

They are doing some creative tummy covering with the camera shots.

Liv wants Jake by her side so she won't look like the outside chick. Who can blame her? A sister's got a business to run and she needs her credibility.

Oh, and that look Jake gave Fitz, when they came out of the... was that a hotel room?

"Stop looking at me like that" Mellie says to her old friend Andrew who is about to fall on his sword about her past drug use. We know they are going to sleeping together real soon.

Abbie's all in love with lawyer boy David, but not so much that she won't investigate his financials.

Publius/James is deep throat leaking info to reporters Carla Steel and Vanessa Chandler to sabotage Cyrus and Fitz's campaign.

Jake Ballard is now one of the most powerful men in the world, with the highest security clearance. He has all the info on B613 operations. And what...there's an agent inside the White House. Who is it?

Sally is walking on shaky mental ground.  Flashing back to the murder scene. Poor thing.

Yoga fillies. Senator Hollis Doyle is so politically incorrect.

Huck: "I bought you a coffee... I bought you coffee... I bought you coffee." What's up, Huck. Oh, he's sorry about Quinn. Don't be mad at him Liv. He said he "went as far as his leash allows." Don't you know "monsters eat people"? Huck may be a monster, but I love him anyway.

Mellie tried to commit suicide back in the day after being raped by Fitz's daddy. Still no more love for Mellie.  Andrew put his finger down her throat, what a guy. I'm throwing up a little in my mouth. Finally, Mellie told someone the truth about her father-in-law. So Andrew knows. He will probably end up telling Fitz.

What, Mellie didn't sleep with Andrew? He loves her though.

Liv is having dinner with Poppa Pope? While Quinn is following the followers and got caught.

I know Liv offered her a chance to come home, but I think it's too late for that. Quinn is fucked up. Liv's right, B613 will destroy her. Quinn's no good at following but she's got that "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" thing down pat. She can work a computer.

Jake is tired of playing Liv's beard. Stock your damn fridge with some real food! Wine and popcorn are not real food or beer. Who says popcorn and wine are not real food?

I thought that was Huck putting David into the trunk.

OK Andrew, don't touch the first lady. Then there she goes, hauling off and kissing him, I thought she was going to not be like Liv.

Poor Jake, his feelings are all out there by themselves.

Eyes on the inside, that Secret Service Guy is B613. Shut up!

Harrison and his Kim Kardashian look alike.  Brief case full of money. Making a donation with dirty money to the Fitz campaign. The Kim Kardashian look alike is probably working for Pop Pope.

Wait... what?  Shut up... is that Momma Pope? She works for Momma Pope!

OMG moment in last 30 seconds of next episode. WTF! I can't imagine what more Shondra 'nem can come up with.