Thursday, March 6, 2014


March 6,  2014 Episode

Pope vs. Pope, and we thought that would be Liv vs. Poppa, but damn it's Momma Pope vs. Liv. Whaaaaaat?

Why are Liv and Fitz fighting like old married people about Jake?

They are doing some creative tummy covering with the camera shots.

Liv wants Jake by her side so she won't look like the outside chick. Who can blame her? A sister's got a business to run and she needs her credibility.

Oh, and that look Jake gave Fitz, when they came out of the... was that a hotel room?

"Stop looking at me like that" Mellie says to her old friend Andrew who is about to fall on his sword about her past drug use. We know they are going to sleeping together real soon.

Abbie's all in love with lawyer boy David, but not so much that she won't investigate his financials.

Publius/James is deep throat leaking info to reporters Carla Steel and Vanessa Chandler to sabotage Cyrus and Fitz's campaign.

Jake Ballard is now one of the most powerful men in the world, with the highest security clearance. He has all the info on B613 operations. And what...there's an agent inside the White House. Who is it?

Sally is walking on shaky mental ground.  Flashing back to the murder scene. Poor thing.

Yoga fillies. Senator Hollis Doyle is so politically incorrect.

Huck: "I bought you a coffee... I bought you coffee... I bought you coffee." What's up, Huck. Oh, he's sorry about Quinn. Don't be mad at him Liv. He said he "went as far as his leash allows." Don't you know "monsters eat people"? Huck may be a monster, but I love him anyway.

Mellie tried to commit suicide back in the day after being raped by Fitz's daddy. Still no more love for Mellie.  Andrew put his finger down her throat, what a guy. I'm throwing up a little in my mouth. Finally, Mellie told someone the truth about her father-in-law. So Andrew knows. He will probably end up telling Fitz.

What, Mellie didn't sleep with Andrew? He loves her though.

Liv is having dinner with Poppa Pope? While Quinn is following the followers and got caught.

I know Liv offered her a chance to come home, but I think it's too late for that. Quinn is fucked up. Liv's right, B613 will destroy her. Quinn's no good at following but she's got that "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" thing down pat. She can work a computer.

Jake is tired of playing Liv's beard. Stock your damn fridge with some real food! Wine and popcorn are not real food or beer. Who says popcorn and wine are not real food?

I thought that was Huck putting David into the trunk.

OK Andrew, don't touch the first lady. Then there she goes, hauling off and kissing him, I thought she was going to not be like Liv.

Poor Jake, his feelings are all out there by themselves.

Eyes on the inside, that Secret Service Guy is B613. Shut up!

Harrison and his Kim Kardashian look alike.  Brief case full of money. Making a donation with dirty money to the Fitz campaign. The Kim Kardashian look alike is probably working for Pop Pope.

Wait... what?  Shut up... is that Momma Pope? She works for Momma Pope!

OMG moment in last 30 seconds of next episode. WTF! I can't imagine what more Shondra 'nem can come up with.

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